Monday, December 20, 2010

Top ten albums of the Ohs for my future self

Eighties and Nineties are ancient history. And now that the 00's AKA the Ohs are over, let's see what they brought music-wise. I'll just write down the best albums by years, so one day, I'll have a cool insight in what I thought cool music was back then, which is actually right now. Duh. And hopefully, my future self will cease utilizing the word cool. I'll avoid mainstream craptacular music. Future must not know about Beyonce and alike. If you burry the shit deep enough, eventually it's bound to turn to oil. Someday I hope I'll understand what I meant by that. Let's begin.

Year 2000. We'll remember it by the mad-cow-disease scare. Moooo-bwahahaha-mooo-mothafucka-moooo! Also, Mr. God killed Mr. Schulz. No more Snoopy. Luckily, we still have cows. Go team Moo.

Music production was pretty awful. The best-album-of-the-year award goes to:
Music For People by VAST,
an alternative rock band/project from Texas, USA. This is the album you'll be listening to in your vault to forget the Apocalypse/Armageddon/women completely taking over the World. Or play it to a screaming baby. This is the avatar of soothing. Except it's not an avatar. Because it's not blue. If you get this joke - go eat some radioactive snails immediately! Anyway, this is how U2 would sound if they grew huevos.

You left me high and dry - it changed me
You lied to me, now I am angry
And if the sun comes in your room
And awakes you from your vanity
You won't find me cause I'll be
On top of a mountain pissing on your grave

Honorable (mainstreamish) mentions are: Brave New World by Iron Maiden and The Screen Behind The Mirror by Enigma.

First, sounding fantastic live:

Then, something Ohs brought us - AMVs - anime music videos. What can you do?

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